npm issues: SSL, EACCES: permission denied
On my freshly setup system I wasn’t really expecting a ton of npm
headaches so quickly.
I had some npm
dependencies early on so I originally installed npm:latest
through pacman
I wasn’t expecting to do much node
development right off the cuff but with wanting
to checkout some blogging options – I was quickly in the mix.
Due to some of those dependencies, I needed to grab nvm
and get node 18 going.
Ultimately, in the name of getting posts out, I decided to stick to a jekyll
blog in github pages,
but left nvm
installed and managing my node versions, and forgot I did this.
A few days later I tried grabbing terminalizer
to be able to render some CLI demos and started
getting node’s SSL Error SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN
. So I went through the list of known steps to bypass this (even temporarily)
(I had updated this with my own for some Digital Ocean stuff, thought this might be the culprit)export NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0
npm config set strict-ssl=false
- manually check the
- set the npm registry to
version instead ofhttps
I think a few other things were tried but basically, nothing I was doing was affecting the fact the that strict-ssl
flag was set to false
or that the node registry was pointed at http
. The values were correct in .npmrc
but npm was not respecting them.
I found the nvm
init lines in my .zshrc
and remembered I was using that. So I uninstalled nvm:
rm -rf $NVIM_DIR
- removed the lines from
and my SSL problems were SOLVED on my next npm install
Temporarily at least – until I pull down nvm
again. I now know that it has to do with configuration while using nvm
EACCES: permission denied
Though the next issue was EACCES: permission denied
when trying to install global packages.
I didn’t want to have to debug the nvm
and SSL
errors yet, so in the meantime I wanted
to setup a global spot in my home directory.
mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.npm-gobal/bin
npm install -g terminalizer
And with that, I have a non-nvm global working npm with no SSL issues.
Going Forward
The solutions here aren’t full solutions, they just got me over my immediate issues since I’ll need to figure out
why nvm
and the configs weren’t working. But resetting back to the vanilla npm
at least proves there
isn’t anything more devious going on.