Customizing the jekyll theme

I’m very happy with the blog so far w/ jekyll and github pages. It’s a nice place to build content. It’s admittedly also nice to work on something different than my day job in the backend and get at least some front end work done, even if its just like sass :).

For years I’ve been using gruvbox as my vim colorscheme. Honestly though, anywhere I can slide some gruvbox flair into I will. So for the blog, I wanted to replace the standard minima theme with it.

Customizing jekyll is pretty slick, you just basically copy over whatever files you want to change to the top of the repo and go ham. One thing I did though was pull down the actual minima theme and copied all of the top level directories over so I could get a feel for everything we can customize and how minima is laid out.

Specifically _includes, _layouts, _sass, assets, and site.

There is a few nice empty files that are provided like _sass/minima/custom-variables.scss where you can define your own vars to customize.

I went through _base.scss and _layout.scss and pulled out all referenced color variables so I could easily assign the gruvbox colors to them.

I then added all the gruvbox color vars and just assigned them to which minima color variables I thought would look good for reading material. This is what I ended up with so far. (which probably isn’t exactly what you see when you read this, but probably close).


// gruvbox (dark) pallette
$dark-bg-0: #282828;
$dark-bg-0-h: #1d2021;
$dark-bg-1: #3c3836;
$dark-bg-2: #504945;
$dark-bg-3: #665c54;
$dark-bg-4: #7c6f64;
$dark-gray-1: #928374;
$dark-gray-2: #a89984;
$dark-bg-bg0_h: #1d2021;
$dark-red-1: #cc241d;
$dark-red-2: #fb4934;
$dark-green-1: #98971a;
$dark-green-2: #b8bb26;
$dark-yellow-1: #d79921;
$dark-yellow-2: #fabd2f;
$dark-blue-1: #458588;
$dark-blue-2: #83a598;
$dark-purple-1: #b16286;
$dark-purple-2: #d3869b;
$dark-aqua-1: #689d6a;
$dark-aqua-2: #8ec07c;
$dark-fg: #ebdbb2;
$dark-fg-4: #a89984;
$dark-fg-3: #bdae93;
$dark-fg-2: #d5c4a1;
$dark-fg-1: #ebdbb2;
$dark-fg-0: #fbf1c7;
$dark-orange-1: #d65d0e;
$dark-orange-2: #fe8019;

// gruvbox (light) pallette
$light-bg-0: #fbf1c7;
$light-bg-0-h: #f9f5d7;
$light-bg-1: #ebdbb2;
$light-bg-2: #d5c4a1;
$light-bg-3: #bdae93;
$light-bg-4: #a89984;
$light-red-1: #cc241d;
$light-green-1: #98971a;
$light-yellow-1: #d79921;
$light-blue-1: #458588;
$light-purple-1: #b16286;
$light-aqua-1: #689d6a;
$light-gray-1: #7c6f64;
$light-gray-2: #928374;
$light-red-2: #9d0006;
$light-green-2: #79740e;
$light-yellow-2: #b57614;
$light-blue-2: #076678;
$light-purple-2: #8f3f71;
$light-aqua-2: #427b58;
$light-fg: #3c3836;
$light-fg-4: #7c6f64;
$light-fg-3: #665c54;
$light-fg-2: #504945;
$light-fg-1: #3c3836;
$light-fg-0: #282828;
$light-orange-1: #d65d0e;
$light-orange-2: #af3a03;

// blog color codes
$text-color: $dark-fg;
$background-color: $dark-bg-0;
$site-title-color: $dark-aqua-1;
$link-base-color: $dark-green-1;
$link-visited-color: $dark-green-1;
$link-hover-color: $dark-green-2;
$brand-color: $dark-purple-1;
$border-color-01: $dark-blue-2;
$border-color-03: $dark-blue-2;
$code-background-color: $dark-bg-0-h;
$icon-color-1: $dark-orange-1;
$icon-color-2: $dark-orange-2;

// unused so far, so make them obvious for when I add tables :)
$table-text-color: #ffff00;
$table-border-color: #ffff00;
$table-zebra-color: #AAAA00;
$table-header-bg-color: #999900;
$table-header-border: #999900;

I did adjust some of the default scss like border widths and adding color to specific classes, which just inherited the same colors. Nothing crazy at all though, its just vanilla minima with some tweaks.

Thanks for reading!