This Blog

Hello! I am very guilty of having my ideas and solution notes scattered throughout my file system in random markdown files for years, until I hunt them down and think “this would have made a great blog post to share…“

no longer shall this anti-pattern stand!

This blog is going to consist of these notes, sometimes longer tutorials for things I’m researching and doing for personal projects, opinions on coding, and maybe some other posts about other interests I have.

A Fresh Start

This post is about something that I just ran into. I just recently got a new ThinkPad to spice up my home-coding-life again. I used Arch for years on laptops in the past – (remembers blindly upgrading during a semester after they switched to systemd) – and wanted to get back into it. All of my machines at work have been OSX since graduating so I had shifted my focus over.

With my shift back to a traditional linux setup I am doing some cleaning and starting over from my very old configs.

One being my vim configs. And needing to have at least one initial post on here, even having it be trivial, and not wanting it to be just a welcome post… here we are.

Getting neovim to syntax highlight *.mdx files.

Loading up an .mdx file, nvim did not recognize it and I was left with an un-syntax highlighted file.

Running set syntax=markdown fixed it, so lets fix it for good in our ~/.config/nvim/init.vim or ~/.vimrc.

" Set *.mdx files to markdown
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.mdx set filetype=markdown

And with that, syntax highlighting is fixed.